Corine Dehghanpisheh

Children's Picture Book Author and Illustrator

Writer and illustrator of children's picture books.

Mother's Day Thankfulness

Every year as my daughter gets older, I appreciate and love Mother's Day more and more.  This year feels very special as my daughter is beginning to understand the day too. 

A few days ago I picked up my daughter from preschool.  As I waited in the carpool line I saw her exit the school with a beaming smile.  We waved at each other as she skipped and hopped toward the car.  Once inside she handed me a rolled up purple paper with a string wrapped around it. 

So grateful to be this little girl's mom!

So grateful to be this little girl's mom!

"For you Mommy, open it up.  Open it up!"  She shouted.  "Okay," I said as I pulled away to strap her into her car seat.  Once safely parked, I opened her door and she greeted me with the biggest hug.  "Here Mommy for you.  Happy Love Day!"  She said as she gave me her purple paper.

I opened up her sweet card made with her little hand prints- I loved it!  These special moments with my daughter are the most important and memorable for me.  Truly the best. 

Handmade cards are the best!

Handmade cards are the best!

Happy Mother's Day!!

Books by Corine D.

PO Box 181792

Dallas, TX 75218