Corine Dehghanpisheh

Children's Picture Book Author and Illustrator

Writer and illustrator of children's picture books.

Filtering by Tag: #BabyLove

Mother's Day Thankfulness

Every year as my daughter gets older, I appreciate and love Mother's Day more and more.  This year feels very special as my daughter is beginning to understand the day too. 

A few days ago I picked up my daughter from preschool.  As I waited in the carpool line I saw her exit the school with a beaming smile.  We waved at each other as she skipped and hopped toward the car.  Once inside she handed me a rolled up purple paper with a string wrapped around it. 

So grateful to be this little girl's mom!

So grateful to be this little girl's mom!

"For you Mommy, open it up.  Open it up!"  She shouted.  "Okay," I said as I pulled away to strap her into her car seat.  Once safely parked, I opened her door and she greeted me with the biggest hug.  "Here Mommy for you.  Happy Love Day!"  She said as she gave me her purple paper.

I opened up her sweet card made with her little hand prints- I loved it!  These special moments with my daughter are the most important and memorable for me.  Truly the best. 

Handmade cards are the best!

Handmade cards are the best!

Happy Mother's Day!!

#BabyLove: My Toddler Life Goodreads Giveaway

Hooray!  It's time for a Goodreads giveaway! 

Enter to win 1 of 10 signed copies of #BabyLove: My Toddler Life the 2nd book in the #BabyLove Book Series. 

A page from the book #BabyLove: My Toddler Life

A page from the book #BabyLove: My Toddler Life

Go ahead enter the Goodreads giveaway below from October 7 -  October 28, 2016.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

#BabyLove by Corine Dehghanpisheh


by Corine Dehghanpisheh

Giveaway ends October 28, 2016.

See the giveaway details at Goodreads.

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Enter the #BabyLove: My Social Life Goodreads GiveAway Now

Checkout a fun and contemporary children's book.  Both parents and children will enjoy.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

#BabyLove by Corine Dehghanpisheh


by Corine Dehghanpisheh

Giveaway ends October 01, 2015.

See the giveaway details at Goodreads.

Enter Giveaway

Being a Mom

Learning to Eat. #BabyLove

Learning to Eat. #BabyLove

Making my way through the early days of motherhood entailed an open mind, a sense of humor, and most importantly lots of help!

Having a baby was life changing.  Since I like doing things my way, remaining open-minded was the most challenging.    I didn't have any fail safe routines available or even a clue sometimes as to what I was supposed to do.  

Thankfully,  I did have books, the internet, and a lot of solicited and unsolicited advice from friends and family.  From day one I realized I couldn't take in all the information at once nor could I shut it down it all out either.  Instead I gathered my patience; I listened, read, tried, failed and even succeeded at a few things. 

A sense of humor came with the territory of dealing with stressful situations.  Generally, I am not a stress crier so I needed the laughter to release the tense moments of being a new mom.  Being exhausted, unsure, and in love all at the same time with this incredible needy and loving baby provided ample opportunity for giggles and laugh out loud relief.

Help arrived right on time!  My mom flew into NYC on the day I returned home from the hospital.  What a great help – a grandmother, mother, and junior high science teacher, she came prepared and to teach.

Thankfully, I am at an age where I have worn out the attitude of "I can do this all by myself" and "I don't need help."  Yes I did and I still do need that help. 

By the way, my daughter Lily just turned one years old and help is still needed and greatly appreciated!  Hint: mom~ are you ready for another trip :)

Growing Up Without Digital Photography

While creating my book - #BabyLove: My Social Life, I thought about growing up in the 70's without digital cameras, phones, or tablets.

Photo by Stephanie Swartz/iStock / Getty Images

I realized one result immediately.  I had very few photos taken during my childhood.  Most of the photos that I do have were taken for annual school yearbook pictures.  The others were random shots usually taken during a family holiday event or at an important milestone event such as my kindergarten graduation below. 

Kindergarten Graduation with my twin sister. #BabyLove #LifeWithoutDigitalPhotography #ItWasThe70's

Kindergarten Graduation with my twin sister. #BabyLove #LifeWithoutDigitalPhotography #ItWasThe70's

Most of my family pictures were taken with a Polaroid camera.  This is how we were almost immediately able to see the photo.  (Plus or minus a few seconds of waving the film in the air to develop.)   I remember anxiously awaiting its development.  Then immediately judging the picture as  “good” or “bad.”  I also remember if it was bad, there was rarely a "do over."  The awkward photo just remained a part of our history and put into an album for a good laugh later in life. 

Recently, I found some of those old photos and had a good laugh.  

Photography for the general public was so different at that time.  Photographs were usually well posed; at times some were candid but definitely very few selfies. 

New bikes.  #Polaroids #LifeWithoutDigitalPhotography

New bikes.  #Polaroids #LifeWithoutDigitalPhotography

I remember after finishing a roll of film I would anxiously wait to get the film developed.   Only to be disappointed that someone didn’t smile or looked away.  Usually someone's eyes were usually closed, or the photograph experience one of the million unforeseen disruptions to the “good shot.” 

One example of such a disappointment occurred during elementary school, my twin sister and I were in a school play around Thanksgiving time.  I guess we were reenacting the first Thanksgiving, I am not sure.  Anyways, after school my mom took a photo of us (below) to remember the event.  But for some reason my twin sister toppled over during the process (I am not sure why or what happened but she was fine.)

Photo after our Thanksgiving play.  #BabyLove #LifeWithoutDigitalPhotography

Photo after our Thanksgiving play.  #BabyLove #LifeWithoutDigitalPhotography

My mom swore that she took the picture before my sister toppled over.  This was the only shot from that memorable experience. 

I don't know why she didn't retake it just in case.  But I guess that wasn't how things were done back then.

One thing I know for sure, I wish we had more pictures, especially some videos.  At the same time, I enjoy the laughs of the random shots, posed or otherwise.

What are your memorable experiences of living without digital photography?

Proofing Process

Finally after months of writing, editing, drawing, and reworking...and reworking- I am at the proofing stage of my  book, #BabyLove: My Social Life. 

Hooray!  I am so excited to be at this finalizing step.  Creating this book has been more personal than ever.  The idea for this book began upon the birth of my daughter, Lily, last July. 

Within that first months of her life, I can't tell you how many photos and videos were taken by me, my husband, our family and countless friends who came to meet Lily.  All of the picture taking and recording was so much fun.  Yet at times, it became overwhelming trying to capture a moment to share with others. 

Interestingly, I often found the most loveable images were those humorous and silly spontaneous moments caught by accident.

The purpose of this book is to show the different moments in a day in the life of an approximately six month old baby.  I created images to highlight the silly, mundane, and even posed moments that can occur.  At the same time, I wanted to include the technology used to capture the images and videos such as phones and tablets, along with the aspect of sharing the images on social media.  These days photographs and videos, phones and tablets, along with social media all go hand in hand.

I can't wait to share more of the book details soon.

Mom Read This Book, Please

My favorite part of the morning is reading with my daughter.  I think it is so important to read together.  We have set up a couple of different reading corners for her.  One in her bedroom and one in our living room. 

At 10 months old, I can't believe Lily already knows which books she wants to read. 

Here she is in the living room pulling out her favorite book.of the moment.  (Her favorite book changes quite often-almost daily.)  Right now Lily enjoys books about animals, especially dogs.  She likes to make the "woof, woof" sound when I read to her.

Favorite book of the moment.

Favorite book of the moment.

#BabyLove: My Social Life coming soon!

After becoming a new mom last July, my mind has been racing with new book ideas.  If only I could work as fast as the ideas sprung.  I am excited to announce that one of my ideas is coming along.  I am in the final stages of completing my next book, #BabyLove: My Social Life. 

An adored baby tells a modern tale about life in today's digital world.  #BabyLove: My Social Life highlights the social phenomena of sharing daily activities using technology and social networks.

Here is a sample illustration from the book.

Updated 6/3/2015- illustration from my new book #BabyLove: My Social Life.

Updated 6/3/2015- illustration from my new book #BabyLove: My Social Life.

Books by Corine D.

PO Box 181792

Dallas, TX 75218